Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Prize Fund Keeps Growing

Over the last few weeks we've seen many donations come in in memory of Will, in response to the college's final approval of the prize. If you haven't donated, get your donations in. You can click on the link below the thermometer to donate, or send a check to:

Gift Accountant
Development Office
Wells College
Aurora, NY 13026

Make sure to include with the check the information that the check is meant to go to the Will Liberi '05 Memorial Prize Fund.

So far the prize has received nearly $2000 from 26 generous donors. Help us to expand the prize and to ensure that it will be available to students for years to come by making your donation now.

If you don't want to donate, but do want to be part of the prize in memory of Will, contact Carrie Elliott or Katie Fong about joining the prize's advisory board.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Well College Approves The William Nicholas Liberi '05 Memorial Prize for TLGBQ Activism and Scholarship

And the good news is in! After several months of work Wells College has accepted the terms of The William Nicholas Liberi '05 Memorial Prize for TLGBQ Activism and Scholarship. The terms of the prize are listed below, now all that's left to do is make your donation!

Wells College

Permanent Prize Record

(Income restricted – Prizes)

Fund Name: The William Nicholas Liberi '05 Memorial Prize for TLGBQ Activism and Scholarship

Contact Persons: Katie Fong '06 and Carrie Elliott '05

Date Fund Established: October, 2007 (Note: Prize details to be reviewed and updated in 2012 by the selection committee)

Sponsor(s) or Donor(s): Annually, friends and classmates of Will Liberi

Purpose of Fund: To honor Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer and Allies (TLGBQA) activism within the Wells College community

Description of Fund/Criteria for recipient: This prize will be awarded annually to a current student in good academic standing who has demonstrated a commitment to transgender and queer issues, especially through hir services as an ally to the Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer and Allies (TLGBQA) community via activism, visibility, literary, or artistic endeavors.

Criteria for recipient: This prize may be awarded to a current student in good academic standing.

Selection of recipient: The recipient will be chosen by a group of 7 individuals in the Wells community who comprise the William Nicholas Liberi Memorial Fund Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will include a representative of the Dean of Students Office, two members of the student body (one representing Q&A*, and one representing Sex Collective*), the current faculty member assigned to instruct W401*, the previous years' recipient** of the William Nicholas Liberi '05 Memorial Prize and an alumna or alumnus of Wells College designated by the Advisory Board. Additionally, Nicklin Eldon Heap '02 will serve as a representative with the committee until 2012, with ongoing participation optional.

The amount of the prize will vary depending on funds given each year. The minimum amount will be $250.