Thursday, March 29, 2018

2018 Call for Nominations

Hi All - The call for nominations for the Willaim Nicholas Liberi '05 Prize for TLGBQ Activism and Scholarship is now active. This prize is awarded annually to a current student in good academic standing who has demonstrated a commitment to transgender and queer issues, especially through hir services as an ally to the Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer and Allies (TLGBQA) community via activism, visibility, literary, or artistic endeavors. This award was established to honor the life and leadership of Will Liberi '05, born March 22, 1984 - died September 11, 2007. As a student at Wells, Will led through one on one conversations, sharing of experiences, creative writing, and activism. Will was generous with his time and would be of support to anyone who was in need. A leader within the TLGBQ+ Wells community he reached out across all social identities to educate, inform, and transform. If you know a current Wells College student who you feel is right for the award, please submit a nomination using the form below. Please provide as much information as possible to help us evaluate candidates for the prize. Nominations are due by April 14, 2018.

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