Friday, October 5, 2007

Good morning, everyone!

I've got a brief update on our progress toward establishing the financial end of the prize fund. Here are the basics:

  • In order to avoid the financial and administrative legwork of endowing a scholarship fund, it makes sense to call this memorial the Will Liberi Prize (or the like) rather than the Will Liberi Scholarship and designate a dollar amount to be awarded at Honors Convocation at the end of each year. (You may notice that change to the title of this blog.)
  • Online donations will be up and running very soon! We're working with the Development Office at Wells to get this page linked right up to the Wells giving site and plan to have a place for you to donate directly to Will's memorial prize within a few weeks! (We're very excited about this and hope you are, too!) Remember, these donations will be TAX DEDUCTIBLE!
  • We need your input to decide on the specifics of the prize, like the wording, the judging, etc. See Carrie's post for progress on that front.
I know there's been a lot of interest flying around about organizing a memorial prize, so if you're reading this, I hope you'll pass the word along that things are happening here! And comment, comment, comment!

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